106 Lafayette St, Yarmouth
ME 04096
+1 207-776-9673
Jessica Fromuth
Mon - Fri
By appointment only
ME 04096
Jessica Fromuth
By appointment only
I was 42 years old when I had my first acupuncture treatment. I have had chronic asthma my whole life. I have always been congested and prone to colds and sinus infections. I had pnuemonia 11 times when I was a child and I have taken more antibiotics and steroids than I care to remember. This year the stress at my job just seemed to push me over the edge.
I was feeling tired all the time. I would wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to get back to sleep. My back started bothering me on a regular basis and my skin rashes were ever-present. Finally I just had a break-down and ended up in the hospital with severe asthma. After being pumped full of prednisone and antibiotics they let me out of the hospital. I didn’t really feel much better but at least I could breath and besides I had to go back to work. That’s when I decided to try acupuncture.
I met Jessica through my kids and started talking to her. We scheduled an appointment. I was pretty open to the whole thing really. I have spent so much of my life struggling with these things that I really wanted to see if this could help. I saw Jessica every week in the beginning. I actually started to feel better almost right away. I started to get my energy back and I felt relaxed and less stressed during the treatments. This feeling would stay with me for several days. My rashes started to clear up and I began to sleep better. After a month or so I began to work out again and although I still got tired easily I didn’t feel demoralized by it. The acupuncture treatments were clearly helping my physical symptoms as well as my emotional state. My husband remarked on how much less depressed I seemed.
After several months of regular treatment my asthma began to improve and I was ultimately using my inhaler much less frequenty. Along the way Jessica guided me to make changes in my lifestlye that would support the work. For the first time I actually felt motivated to do these things because I could feel that it made a difference. I still see Jessica about once a month to help with the ups and downs of regular life and to keep the infections and colds away. I still can’t believe how much getting acupuncture treatments with Jessica has changed my life.